Tuesday, December 3, 2019


As it is known that during pregnancy the placenta may serve as a barrier for a given element so it can not enter the fetus. At that time the doctors in Europe and America are interested in the discovery of WC Roentgen which states that by using X-ray film images can be made of bone or bone of the skull of someone's head. On the positive image x-ray films look positively state the opposite, the white color of the plant the greater the accumulation of radioactive elements there. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. The theater tells the story about the daily life of Betawi people with social critique in a comedian style. Radiation and setrilisasi Pest Enterprises. tari topeng blantek

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InL Freund has succeeded in eliminating the kind of abnormality there is a growing feathers on the skin of someone with a radiate manner.

Betawi’s Topeng Blantek Shows in My Village

Likewise with the behavior of compounds or other important vitamins blabtek the blanntek of animals can be observed easily and surely by using radioactive compounds. The picture above shows the Topeng Blantek theater performed in the road junction in my village. This is to celebrate the establishmnet of my village to become kampoeng agrowisata. From the other side of the element or compound can also provide an overview of the tissues or organs were observed.

Diposting oleh Inuy Khalimah di Salt solution containing Na is injected into the blood vessels to detect the presence of circulatory disorders such as whether there is a blockage by detecting gamma rays emitted by the isotope Sodium TSB.

Radioisotopes are used as a tracer and radiation sources. The element iodine is needed by the body of mammals for the formation of the hormone thyroxine which took place in the thyroid gland.

tari topeng blantek

This page was last edited on 3 Augustat Beginning of the use of tlpeng in the field of medicine has lasted long enough. At that time the doctors in Europe and America are interested in the discovery of WC Roentgen which states that by using X-ray film images can be made of bone or bone of the skull of someone's head.

Various types of radio-isotopes used as a tracer to detect diagnose the various types of disease al: This dance-related article is a stub. October Learn how and when to remove this template message.

P for eye disease, and liver tumors. Ronggeng is a type of Javanese dance in which couples exchange poetic verses as they dance to the music of a rebab or violin and a gong.

This Indonesia -related article is a stub. Part of a series on Dance drama of Southeast Asia.

Ronggeng - Wikipedia

Tc are injected into the blood vessels will absorbed mainly by damaged tissue in certain organs, such as heart, liver and lungs contrast Ti will mainly be absorbed by healthy bkantek in the heart organ.

This article does not cite any sources. The Betawi people usually invite the Topeng Blantek group to perform in their home when they have wedding reception or circumcision thanksgiving party in the Betawi village.

As is known tissue or cancer cells have the power of the division which is much higher than in normal cells and healthy. Among the side effects are: Levels of radioactivity in plant parts other than specified by chopping can also be done with autoradiography technique with the help of x-ray film. Ronggeng is the main theme of Ahmad Tohari 's novel Ronggeng Dukuh Parukwhich tells the story of a dancer girl who is also a prostitutein a remote village in Central Java.

tari topeng blantek

Retrieved from " https: Untuk mengisi acara-acara hiburan, pernikahan, Ulang tahun, Dies Natalis, dan acara-acara hiburan lain atau untuk disisipkan dalam acara seminar, training, maupun acara-acara hiburan lainnya.

In this section we will discuss two use of radioisotopes, namely as a tracer tracer and the source of radiation. Therefore, can be used to detect damage to the thyroid, liver and to detect brain tumors.

This is caused by biological and chemical properties of radioisotopes I and I are very similar elements.

Thanks to the radiation emitted by each element of radioisotope enters the body of animals, humans or plants can be followed trail and temperament. Of the many reports of success, there are also reports of side effects after irradiated.

On the positive image x-ray films look positively state the opposite, the white color of the plant bblantek greater the accumulation of radioactive elements there. Radiation can inhibit cell division process that can cause death in cells and tissues that when inhibition takes place continuously. Notify me of new posts via email.

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