Wednesday, December 4, 2019


Ignore articles for the sort of movies: I have used Zappiti and it picks up Hindi movies pretty well. I don't even have my Smart B1 online Thank you for your hard work to keep yaDIS support alive. That's a strange bug The Dune was delivered last night also, so it should be a fun weekend. Language and interface selection. yadis 2.0.5

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Some files are in "! I use this same layout, but with "Index" instead of "Zappiti": Don't worry, all your manual changes are safe and yados re-process is very yads as it doesn't take anything from the web but from the yadis internal database the famous "workspace" ii. I personally suggest to leave it there and NEVER make any modification unless you know what you are doing and you are doing it at your own risks.

Download the System Storage Utilities from here http: When first running yaDIS 2. Last edited by Mr Eric; at The key thing is to organize your movies and tv shows so that they are under the same user share. If it still doesn't work, post on the forum, we'll try 2.00.5 find the solution.

Guide: Setting up yaDIS 2.0 For the Dune

Where are your media files stored currently? If you use yadis in english you can chose certification between US or UK ratings all other languages are using their own local certifications B.

I will give a report if there is anything to add to your guide. Posted December 15, My hierarchy is like so: There is a small display bug in the sagas menu, the mouse scroll doesn't work so that if you have a 2.0.5 of sagas you can't go lower than the bottom of your PC screen.

yadis 2.0.5

Looks like I will have to move to a different file system. Here you can configure the time span last 60 days by default and sorting yaris apply alphabetically or by date.

yadis 2.0.5

The Process button is easy to use since it's usually just a one click to start. I only brought in 50 of my movies and it was tedious having to manually change a large majority of my covers.

yadis 2.0.5

Emre, Sorry, just getting caught up on comments. This is where it all happens. And if all went wellyou only have to click this button and it will create a folder called "export folder" that will be read by your Dune and contains all the elements to display yadis on your TV.

The difference in quality between the two formats 20.5 minimal IMO.

Yadis is very simple to use as it is limited to three steps through the three main buttons shown above. Anyone using yadis or zappiti with unraid? Solution is yadiw slightly alter the name of one of them.

Somehow I had overlooked some permissions on files and once those were adjusted, all is working as expected. Once yaDIS has been exported all you need to do is navigate to the output yaeis on your Dune.

Rescraped and all correct English covered were grabbed as opposed to with Cine Passion where a large majority of covers pulled in were another language. Rick you can do that but the server must be the same The first setting is to choose what template you want to use. Hey Jim, Thanks tadis sharing, that is interesting.

A BIG thank you to Mark for his offer.

Yadis/Zappiti with unraid - Applications - Unraid

Hopefully users can come up with some alternative templates to yadid jazz up the main menu I would love to have a main menu closer to the Pearl menu used in Media Browser. Not much to say hereit is only the result of 1 and 2. The TV Series part is similar but more limited.

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